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Showing 25 - 28 of 28 items
  • This flag helps the athletes to visualize the free lane. Epoxy coated steel structure. Green cotton flag. Height : 1.50m

    from 94,00 €
  • Sector flag to be positionned at the end of the throwing area. A sheet metal plate on a metal stand - 2M

    from 83,00 €
  • IAAF compliant. Essential for championships. The free lane cone markers allow for the visualisation of the free lane. To settle between the lanes. Height : 10cm - Weighted base 50 X 50 mm.  

    from 38,00 €
  • DIMASPORT EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT This track and field "special start" power sled has been specialy designed to develop strength and speed. Its shape allows it to straddle the starting blocks. Weighed down by 28 mm diameter cast iron disc (not supplied). Delivered with a 10-meter strap harness. Overall dimensions : 91 x 90 x 58 cm   Made in France by Dima

    from 353,00 €
Showing 25 - 28 of 28 items

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Designer, manufacturer and distributor of sport material for more than 50 years, Dimasport uses its experiences and knowledges of sport equipment industry by creating custom-made equipment.rnAs not all sports halls are standard in shape and size, we design and manufacture in France custom-made sports equipment which accurately fit into your available space.rnWe can closely monitor our special manufacturing requests, as our factory is located next door to our headquarter. Thanks to our made-to-measure service, we can create space efficient and well-equipped sports hall.rnDo not hesitate, ask for the impossible …

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