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Discover all our balance beam, from initiation balance beam to competition balance beam, Dima offers a large range of gymnastics apparatuses. 
You will also fin here balance beam protective cover, balance beam transportation cart, landing matts for balance beam ...



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Discover all our balance beam, from initiation balance beam to competition balance beam, Dima offers a large range of gymnastics apparatuses. 
You will also fin here balance beam protective cover, balance beam transportation cart, landing matts for balance beam ...


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Showing 13 - 13 of 13 items
  • Transportation cart adjustable to all types of Dimasport gymnastic apparatus (parallel, asymmetric, mixed bars and school beams).   Specifications : Mounted on 100mm diametre wheels, this cart is very easy to use and manoeuvre without effort. Just slide the cart under the apparatus and pull on the lever, the apparatus is on its wheels.   Sold by pair...

    from 458,00 €
    Reduced price!
Showing 13 - 13 of 13 items

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Designer, manufacturer and distributor of sport material for more than 50 years, Dimasport uses its experiences and knowledges of sport equipment industry by creating custom-made equipment.rnAs not all sports halls are standard in shape and size, we design and manufacture in France custom-made sports equipment which accurately fit into your available space.rnWe can closely monitor our special manufacturing requests, as our factory is located next door to our headquarter. Thanks to our made-to-measure service, we can create space efficient and well-equipped sports hall.rnDo not hesitate, ask for the impossible …

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